Yummy Traditional : Soup and Salad
Showing posts with label Soup and Salad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soup and Salad. Show all posts

Onion Mixed Salad Recipe


Onion Mixed Salad | Onion Salad || How to make onion mixed salad with step-by-step photos

Onion mixed salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables. boiled chickpeas, a quick and easy mixed salad  is a traditional Pakistani recipe, are added tomato, red onion, green chilies, and cucumber are with salt and chaat masala, this salad is served with lunch or dinner no Pakistani barbecue would be served without mixed salad  

I love adding lemon juice to this recipe to give it a bit of sourness. I often make it at dinner, because this has two advantages, one of them is getting nutrients, vitamins, and minerals and the second is to enhance the taste of your meal, this is the reason I must keep it in our diets, you can add any other type of veggie by choice   


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onion mixed salad

Peel and cut onions into thin slices or coarsely chop_Put the onion slices into the colander and sprinkle some salt over them Now mix them well with salt and rinse under the running water set aside


Rinse and cut the tomatoes into small cubes


    Rinse then peel and cut the cucumber into small pieces 


    Freshly squeeze the lemon into the cup and set it aside


    Remove the stalks of green chilies and finely chop keep aside


    Take ¼ piece of cabbage and grate them keep aside


    Rinse and finely chop the coriander set aside




    In a mixing bowl put all spices and whisk them together


    Then add chopped veggies, and combine them well with the lemon mixture


      Now mixed salad is ready to serve with lunch or dinner....

      Potato and Egg salad Recipe


      Potato and Egg Salad | Potato Salad Recipe With Egg  How to Make Potato and Egg Salad with step-by-step photos 
      Potato salad with egg is a delicious and wholesome savory salad recipe that is loaded full of nutrition_It is an easy, quick healthy recipe combination of veggies and egg it is made with eggs, veggies, and sausage along with some seasoning and herbs. 
      It's my own version of the salad recipe which I often made it place of my lunch or dinner, Trust me it makes me always cheerful and energetic for the whole day_morever, this salad also can be eaten at iftar or sehri as this salad is also one of the delicious snacks once you try must

      You can different variations of your choice_chickpeas or peas and baby corn can be added to this recipe. I make sure there is no need to remain by having this yummy and mouth-watering salad, in additional ingredients mayonnaise, can enhance the taste of salad but I didn’t use it in my salad, or if  you are also on the diet can skip mayonnaise from the salad just like me

      One bowl of this tasty salad or snack whatever you call it is enough to fill your tummy. it has a unique taste and is full of energy, I used boiled eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, carrot, cabbage cucumber, and sausage salad without seasoning can’t give you a taste until salad dressing and salad ingredients mix up with each other

      There are several types of salad dressing that people have been using in their salads_most common dressing is made with mayonnaise, olive oil, and cream I made the dressing with lemon juice, white vinegar, mixed herbs, garlic powder, black pepper, salt, chicken powder, and peri pepper_ if you don’t have peri pepper you can use chat masala and chili flakes by mixing both instead of peri pepper. So let’s start your new day with healthy food 

      For more Salad Recipes:
      Chicken mixed salad        

      If you have tried this Potato and Egg Salad Recipe then don’t forget to rate the recipe. You can also follow me on social media to see what’s latest in my kitchen!







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      To make this recipe firstly we prepare all ingredients one by one

      Boil the eggs and potatoes separately


      Peel the potatoes and eggs then cut them


      Cut the mushrooms into slices


      Sautรฉ the sausages in 1 tbsp oil


      Cut the sausage into slices thick or thin depending on your choice


      Peel and chop the cucumber, carrots, and cabbage


      In a small bowl combine all salad dressing ingredients

      Stir to mix up well together set aside


      In a large mixing bowl first put chopped cabbage, cucumber and carrots

      Then add boiled eggs, potatoes, and mushrooms


      Add sausage slices


      Mix them together


      Toward the end add salad dressing to the ingredients

      Stir to combine very well_Egg potato salad is ready to serve


      Transfer to the serving dish


      This potato and egg salad can be served as a snack or side dish



      Chicken Corn Soup Recipe

      chicken corn soup with step by step photos and video

      Chicken Corn Soup || Chicken soup || How to make chicken corn soup with step-by-step photos

      Chicken Corns soup is a simple yet nutritious soup recipe that requires boneless chicken and shredded corn kernels. This is easy to follow a budget-friendly recipe that you will surely love. I like this soup because the main ingredients are readily available anywhere — no matter which part of the world you are in. Aside from that, I think that the flavour and consistency of this soup are fantastic.

      As for the corn, I used fresh baby corn. I needed the help of a food processor to shred the corn until it reached the state that I wanted. You do not have to do this if you want the easier way. Canned shredded corn kernels are sold in supermarkets. You may opt to use them instead.
      chicken corn soup

      My Latest Video Chicken Corn Soup:

      Chicken soup is basically from Chinese cuisine. but in most countries, people are fond of having corn soup. it's a very light and digestive food, people have it for diet purposes with salad. normally is taken in the winter season
      You should consider this recipe if you love soup, nutrition, and saving money. if you are living in the part of those places of the world where winter starts in May, this is the best meal
      Try this Chicken and Corn Soup recipe and let me know what you think.

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      If you have tried this Chicken Corn Soup then don’t forget to rate the recipe. You can also follow me on social media






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      To prepare Chicken Corn Soup, you need to take a pot or saucepan and add approximately 300 ml (1 jug) of water to it. Then, put some chicken in the pot with ginger, garlic, and salt and bring it to a boil on high flame. Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pot with a lid, and let it cook for about 30 minutes. 

      chicken corn soup
      chicken corn soup

      After simmering for 30 minutes, strain the soup to remove any solid particles. Discard the chicken bones, except for boneless chicken.

      chicken corn soup

      On the other hand, to prepare the spicy condiments, take three small bowls. In the first bowl, pour some vinegar, then add green chillies and salt. Mix them well and set the bowl aside. In the second bowl, pour some soya sauce and set it aside. In the third bowl, pour some hot red chilli sauce and keep it aside.

      chicken corn soup

      At serving time, shred boneless boiled chicken and peel eggs to use with soup.

      chicken corn soup
      chicken corn soup

      Separate the white egg from the yolk 

      chicken corn soup

      Place the stock pot on low heat. Add salt and Chinese salt, then stir well. Let it cook for 2 minutes on medium-low heat.

      chicken corn soup

      Add baby corn or sweet corn to the stock and stir well

      chicken corn soup

      Keep stirring the mixture while adding cornflour paste little by little.

      chicken corn soup
      chicken corn soup   
      Pour the beaten egg whites gradually, then stir slightly for 5 minutes on medium-low flame. At this stage, you can add shredded chicken 

      chicken corn soup
      chicken corn soup

      Now ready to serve hot

      chicken corn soup

      Prepare the soup by adding boiled eggs, shredded chicken, and soup sauces such as soya sauce, hot chilli sauce, and white vinegar with chillies. Enhance the taste of the soup by sprinkling chaat masala on top of it in a bowl.
      chicken corn soup

